Care for Today - Respect for Tomorrow
Our sustainability ambition
Lotus Bakeries aims to achieve sustainable, profitable growth by providing consumers around the world with a diverse range of branded snacks for every occasion. As part of this ambition, we aspire to create value in a sustainable way. Not only today, but also for the future generations to come. The range of sustainability matters that are material to our company have been captured in our programme ‘Care for Today, Respect for Tomorrow’.

Our ‘Care for Today, Respect for Tomorrow’ framework, is aimed at doing sustainable business, not only today, but also for the future generations to come. Our sustainability strategy is centred around three pillars: ‘our environment’, ‘our employees’ and ‘our community’.
Within each pillar, specific targets and priorities are set to help realise our sustainability objectives. Consult our policies and reports on key sustainability topics to learn more about how we create sustainable and profitable growth
Our environment
In recognition of the pressing challenges presented by climate change to both our environment and human well-being, Lotus Bakeries is committed to taking action.
Our Group is determined to join the battle against global warming and minimise our impact on the environment in all aspects of our operations.
More about our actions against global warming
our employees
We believe in the power of our people to drive performance. We want to contribute to the employee well-being via offering an attractive and inspiring workplace that promotes health and safety, diversity, employee satisfaction, development, and equal opportunity for all. We aim to build one Lotus family based on our TOP-culture (Team, Open Dialogue and Passion).
To support the acceleration of our growth we focus on attracting, developing and retaining diverse talent.
Learn more about our workforce
our community
We care for today’s and tomorrow’s generations and all stakeholders involved in our value chain. Responsible business conduct addressing todays and future complex challenges allows us to stick to our mission: providing superior tasting snacks, to everyone, every day, everywhere.
We want to contribute to consumer well-being by providing the right and balanced portfolio at the highest quality. Plus, we contribute to the prospects of future generations by supporting education projects.
our materiality
As today’s world is changing rapidly, we are faced with a range of new challenges in the business and along the value chain. We interact with many parties, so it is essential to get a full understanding of the impact of our operations and snacks on the world. In order to confirm or reconsider the priorities of our sustainability programme, Lotus Bakeries in 2023 performed a broad and in-depth assessment using the double materiality lens, reviewing a list of topics from both a financial and an impact materiality perspective.
Lotus Bakeries performed a double materiality assessment in 2023:
Discover our Materiality Analysis here