Our employees
We believe in the power of our people to drive performance. We want to contribute to the employee well-being via offering an attractive and inspiring
workplace that promotes health and safety, diversity, employee satisfaction, development, and equal opportunity for all. We aim to build one Lotus
family based on our TOP-culture (Team, Open Dialogue and Passion).
To support the acceleration of our growth we focus on attracting, developing and retaining diverse talent.
Within our Employees pillar, we focus on 3 Sustainable Development Goals issues by the United Nations:

New career site strengthens Lotus Bakeries' employer identity
As explained by Stéphanie De Lange, Group HR Director and Evy Van den Brande, HR Manager Corporate.
Since early 2022, interested candidates have easily been able to find all possible job opportunities at Lotus Bakeries, in all countries worldwide, on the new site www.lotusbakeriesjobs.com. The perfect spot to get acquainted with the unique Lotus Bakeries family!