
We care for today’s and tomorrow’s generations and all stakeholders involved in our value chain. Responsible business conduct addressing todays and future complex challenges allows us to stick to our mission: providing superior tasting snacks, to everyone, every day, everywhere. 

We want to contribute to consumer well-being by providing the right and balanced portfolio at the highest quality. Plus, we contribute to the prospects of future generations by supporting education projects.


The ambitions of Lotus Bakeries within the community pillar are therefore focused on four domains:


our community ambitions

Within our Community pillar, we focus on 9 Sustainable Development Goals issues by the United Nations:


community UN



 We stand up for our social responsibility! 

we stand for social responisbility

Find the policies & reports relating to our Community pillar here.



parameters community

 Discover the latest updates of our Community pillar in our Annual Report 2023.