The Kusasa Project
The Kusasa PROJECT
Since 2018, Lotus Bakeries is the main sponsor of the Kusasa Project. This school is an educational project in South Africa's Western Cape Province and is close to our company's heart.
The Kusasa Project aims to address the systemic deficiencies in the areas of education, nutrition and sports for disadvantaged children.
The lack of access to primary education in the region is one of the greatest contributors to the recurring cycle of poverty. Pirmary education is a critical stage in education which has the greatest impact on the future human development. This is where the Kusasa Project wants to contribute.
High standard education
The people behind Kusasa have built a new primary school and recruited highly skilled and passionate teachers. They want to offer children from the shanty towns a high standard of education. The standard at the school is now as high as that of leading private schools in the region. It offers talented yet disadvantaged children a future.
better future
Every year, around 150 learners at the school can receive a good basic education. They are moreover supported in their further development. As a result, they can look forward to a better future, which is also good for society in the region.
To learn more about the Kusasa Project, click here.
Lotus Bakeries helps build children’s educational future with the Kusasa project in South Africa
As explained by Doug Gurr, Founder of The Kusasa Project and Marie-Louise Raymond, School director
“The best way to give our kids a better future is through high-quality, impactful education. The children at The Kusasa Academy are receiving just that! Despite their challenging socio-economic circumstances, independent testing consistently confirms that our learners score better on average in mathematics and language than the top fee-paying, well-resourced schools in our entire region.” - Doug Gurr (Co-Founder of The Kusasa Project)